What makes the perfect office interior design

What makes the perfect office interior design

What makes the perfect office interior design

Ultimately good design must reflect the actual use of the office, having said that our idea of good design is one that maximizes the use of natural light by keeping workstations around the perimeter, with offices at the core. Boardrooms and meeting rooms should be multifunctional and located close to where they are required, i.e. meeting rooms for clients located near reception, rooms for staff towards the back. Of course all furniture and workstations should be sourced locally not only to decrease carbon kilometres but also to keep jobs where we want them… in Nigeria.

Color is also important, a good color scheme can really set the mood for an office, when it comes to color though “subtle” is the word, your office should not look like a children’s playhouse.

Ergonomics are also very much a requirement of good office interior design, Occupational Health and Safety must be first and foremost. Employers have a responsibility to ensure that people leave for home at the end of the day in the same condition they arrived. We are concerned about the public perception of the value of office seating, it beggars belief that people think that they can buy an office chair that will be sat on for 40 hours a week for less than a case of beer.  Remember it is for your staff and work colleagues, if you require healthy and productive input from your staff then you must provide a healthy environment that displays to staff that they are valued.

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